The Gaffer on Rizzo Sports Weekly!

Posted by espo On 11:32 AM

Check it out here...Rizzo interviews Hound's manager Gene Klein

Rizzo Sports - video on demand

2 Response to 'The Gaffer on Rizzo Sports Weekly!'

  1. RizzoSports Said,
    April 13, 2009 at 7:56 PM

    The thing I found most interesting was the fact he believes US Soccer will eventually go promotion / demotion. And that FIFA mandates it if you leagues get to 20 teams.


  2. espo Said,
    April 22, 2009 at 12:42 PM

    it'll take a huge cultural change for promotion/relegation to float, but hey, things are changing right now and soon catering to corporate sponsors may be a thing of the past - but as of right now, no way a club like LA goes down when so much money is on the table

